
Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza, etc... I hope that all who are reading this are doing well! With the holidays now behind us and the start of a fresh year I would like to share something that I have learned in my 41 years and something that I am preaching for the rest of my years... TIME is the most important gift.

That is all anyone really wants isn’t it. It is not the gift that “Santa” brought your young one, it is the excitement of time spent playing with it. It is not the huge diamond engagement ring, it is the promise of time spent in the coming years sharing a love. Time. Your parents, loved ones and friends most likely don’t need another trinket, travel mug or sweater. It is your time that they desire.

So I say to you with this new year upon us to remember that your time is precious! Spend it with those who truly want to be with you and cherish your company. Keep your door open for old friends with a few cold beers in the fridge and a hot pot of coffee ready to pour. Share old stories and make new ones. Shoot that funny text to someone you haven’t seen in a while knowing that it will brighten their day. Don’t waste your time with toxic people, or if you have to be sure to limit it. Because your time and what you do with it is truly the greatest gift.

Happy New Year