
Be Passionate.. not greedy

It is unfortunate that we live in a time when success is often judged by financial wealth. Often I look around and see that the youth is impressed by those who have the most material items; Athletes with more homes than they can ever occupy, Social Media stars with a fleet of cars that just sit there collecting dust and Actors who actually purchase their own islands. What is never shown in these displays is what was given up to obtain those things and are the owners truly happy. We need to go back to the basics and measure the success of a man by what joy he has given to his fellow man, by how happy he is and the people around him and how much he truly enjoys what he is doing.

I started Jester Cycles as a project roughly five years ago now. I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy every moment, every success and every setback. I am fortunate enough that I have a full time career that allows me to pace myself and not rush into it hastily. But what truly keeps me going is the passion I have for what we are doing and the happiness that it brings me. If it was about the chase for quick money then this endeavor probably would have been dead a long time ago.

The time spent in the garage bringing old bikes to life, the friends we meet at bike shows and car meets, the thousands of acquaintances we’ve made through social media, the shirts we have donated to all sorts of organizations, the posts that we are tagged in when people wear our items.. these special things are what helps Jester Cycles continue to grow.

I hope that this blog post finds you truly happy, or at least that you are approaching happiness. I hope that you are able to do something you truly enjoy. If you aren’t then I hope that you will one day be able to. If I can give you any advice it is to focus on that passion.