So Much to be Thankful For!!

I would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope that this message reaches you in good health. We are at that time of year again when we take a good look around us and recognize all of the blessings that we have been gifted. I can not begin to thank all of you who have supported Jester Cycles over the last few years. We are really looking forward to expanding with a brick and mortar store in the next year or so, collaborations with great craftsmen, adding new merchandise, motorcycles and services.

But today is about being thankful for what we have now. See, I have a theory regarding being THANKFUL and I feel so much of it comes down to perspective and appreciation. For beginners, if you are reading this you are part of the 65% of the population that has access to the internet, many of us forget millions of people do not have access to the internet. That does not begin to include the millions whose access is limited by government control. There are millions who still do not have access to clean water or electricity.

Perspective plays a large part in my happiness and behavior. You can yell and complain when your kids are being loud and unruly, or join in and be thankful that you have kids while so many would love to be parents. You can curse all the way to work or you can blast your favorite radio station with the window down and be thankful that you have a job. Instead of complaining about cooking, let us remember all of those who go without food.

Now I am not saying to be a machine, like everyone else I get my low points. I get down in the dumps on some days too. But is is those days that I have to take a step back and really focus on the things that I have to be Thankful for. Take a look around and see what things are actually in my control and if they are things that can be changed, put a plan in action. Do I always follow through with the plan? Hell No.. but then I only have myself to blame. And I have a new day tomorrow to be better than today.

So when you are reading this or when you have a few moments let your perspective help shape your mood. Take a good look around and focus on what you have to be grateful for. If you are down in the dumps call an old friend, go visit a relative or shoot me an email and we can talk a bit. Just know that I am grateful for each and every one of you guys.